Volunteers at Work in Canada
From beer can and bottle collecting at folk festivals to woven bracelet sales in schools, our Canadian volunteers have shown creativity and perseverance in their efforts to fundraise for stoves and other projects. Yearly dances, cocktail parties, sit-down dinners, garage sales and presentations to schools and churches have provided us with opportunities to connect with Canadian donors and offer a hand-up to families in need in Guatemala.
Although no one likes asking others for money, fundraising is essential for the survival of the Guatemala Stove Project. If we don’t raise funds, we can’t sustain our projects. But what we’ve found is that people want to help those who are less fortunate. People want to give a hand up to struggling Maya families and more often than not, people respond generously to our requests for donations.
Volunteers Are Essential
The Guatemala Stove Project relies on the time, talent and skills of its volunteers. We are always looking for help at events in Perth and Ottawa. Individual fundraising events in other parts of the country are also greatly appreciated. New volunteers are welcome to apply to join us to travel to Guatemala for our annual stove building trip and to help spread the word.
Although no one likes asking others for money, fundraising is essential for the survival of the Guatemala Stove Project. If we don’t raise funds, we can’t sustain our projects. But what we’ve found is that people want to help those who are less fortunate. People want to give a hand up to struggling Maya families and more often than not, people respond generously to our requests for donations.